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SAR Procedure

SAR Procedure

Stage of ProcedureRoleResponsibilityMaximum Timeframe
1Notification1.1 Notifications for consideration of a Safeguarding Adults Review should be made to the NYSAB Business Unit using form Appendix 1   Upon receipt of a notification, the NYSAB Governance Team will: a) Confirm receipt of the Referral Form b) Screen the information received against the   NYSAB SAR Policy and SAR Decision Support Guidance; and inform the NYSAB Chair if the criteria appear to be met c)  Inform the referrer if the criteria are not met  following consultation with partner agencies and agreement with the LAR ChairReferrer       NYSAB Governance Team                    As soon as practically possible   Same day as the notification is received         As soon as practicably possible
  1.2 The adult and/or their representative will only be informed at this stage of the process if there are exceptional circumstances. The NYSAB Chair will have the final decision on what can be considered exceptional  NYSAB Governance Team on behalf of the NYSAB Chair 
  1.3 All partner agencies will be sent a copy of the completed Referral Form and asked to complete an Initial Chronology Form (Appendix 2), outlining their involvement with the individual between specified dates. The forms are returned to the NYSAB e-mail accountAll partner agenciesAs soon as practically possible
  1.4 The Referral Form will not be considered by the LAR until all initial chronologies have been received. If there are significant delays the NYSAB Governance Team will escalate to the NYSAB Independent Chair.  NYSAB Governance Team 
  1.5 Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Police, and ICS should be represented at the LAR/SAR Decision Making Meeting in addition to the referring agency    LAR  As soon as practically possible once all chronologies are returned
2.Decision Making2.1. A Joint Chronology will be issued to LAR/SAR Decision Making Meeting attendees at least one week in advanceNYSAB Governance Team 
  2.2 All appropriate agencies should be invited to attend the LAR meeting  including the referrer (using the information outlined on the Referral Form). This may be in addition to those agencies that are established members of the Learning and Review Group (LAR)  NYSAB Governance Team 
  2.3 The information contained in the Joint Chronology should be considered by the group and a decision made using the NYSAB SAR Policy and NYSAB SAR Decision Support Guidance (Appendix 4) as to whether:
a) The criteria for a SAR are met or whether more information is required
b) The criteria are not met but another type of review would be appropriate
c) The criteria are not met and no further action is to be taken  
NYSAB Governance Team

LAR Chair/Group attendees
As soon as practically possible once all chronologies are returned
  2.4 The LAR should also take into account: Whether any other Statutory Review or significant processes are taking place (Children’s SPR, police investigation etc.)What potential impact a SAR may have upon such investigations or proceedings. If there is a delay in the commencement of a SAR, then the LAR Chair will ensure that any learning at this stage of the process is identified and shared with relevant parties.the delay of the commencement of a SAR should not delay the implementation of any learning to improve outcomes identified by single agencies  LAR Chair/attendeesAs soon as practically possible once all chronologies are returned
  2.5 The NYSAB Independent Chair will be informed of the decision in writing using the SAR Decision Making document – Appendix 3  NYSAB Governance TeamWithin two working days of the LAR decision making meeting
  2.6 The referring agency/person to be informed of the decision. Partner agencies to be informed via Appendix 5     NYSAB Governance TeamWithin five days of the NYSAB Independent Chair’s ratification     Within 28 days of notification
2.7 Any challenge to the decision should be made in writing to the NYSAB Governance Team or Chair of the LARNYSAB Governance TeamWithin 28 days of notification
  2.8 If the criteria are not met, but another type of case review is felt to be appropriate, the LAR should recommend which type of review would maximise learning  LAR Chair/LAR  attendees 
  2.9 The final decision to conduct a SAR rests with the NYSAB Independent Chair. The Chair may wish to seek peer challenge from another SAB Chair when considering this decision  NYSAB Independent Chair 
  2.10 Discussions should be held on how to inform the adult and/or their representative if there is to be a SAR. This should be completed as soon as practically possible. It will ordinarily be confirmed via telephone in the first instance, and followed by confirmation in writing. See Appendix 6  Most appropriate person identified by the LARAs soon as practically possible
  2.11 The scope of the SAR should be clarified to include sufficient information to enable participating organisations to prepare for the first SARP meeting. The scope of the SAR will also determine the timeframe during which events in the adult’s life will be reviewed, taking into account the circumstances of the case  LAR attendees 
3.SAR Panel (SARP)The first SARP meeting will review the:
a) Scope of the SAR
b) Determine the Terms of Reference
c) Recommend a methodology for the review. There is a range of methodology options for conducting Safeguarding Adults Reviews. See Appendix 4
d) Arrangements for administrative support.
e) Identify a Chair  
SARP attendeesWithin 28 days of the SAR being initiated Reasonably extended with the permission of the NYSAB Independent Chair
  3.1 In the event of any other Statutory Review processes (Children’s SPR, MAPPA, DHR etc.) or other significant processes (police investigation, Coroner’s Inquest, HSE Investigation) taking place the chairs of the respective review processes should formally discuss and consider how the interfaces between these should be managed in order to maximise learning for individuals and organisations, and to avoid duplication for families and professionals  SARPAs required
  The SARP should also:Consider if there are any specific considerations around, equality and diversityConsider how the review process should take account of previous lessons learned nationally, regionally and locally.Consider if the SARP will need to obtain independent legal advice about any aspect of the reviewConsider how matters concerning family and friends, the public and media should be managedEnsure that any learning identified at an early stage of the process is shared and acted upon  SARP 
  A point of contact should be identified for on-going liaison with the adult and/or their representative. This point of contact will be a member of the SAB partnership. The degree of family/representative involvement will be discussed with the individual(s) and agreed at the outset. Consideration will be given to the possible benefits of advocacy  To be identified by the SARP 
4Timescale for SAR CompletionThe NYSAB will aim for completion of the SAR within six months of initiating it unless there are good reasons for a longer period being required. This could include for example, the need to delay the process due to legal proceedings   During any delay every effort should be made to capture learning from the case and apply to future practice    NYSAB Independent Chair  Within six  months of initiation
  The LAR will be notified on the progress of the SAR at each quarterly meetingSARP ChairOn-going
5ReportsAll reports should be pseudononsyed unless the person or their family requests otherwise. Discussion will take place with the adult and/or their family regarding the use of pseudonyms within the report. The report should be written in plain and easy to understand language, provide a sound analysis of what happened and why, and contain findings of practical value to professionals and organisations including what action needs to be taken to prevent a reoccurrence. See Appendix 6  Independent Author 
  The Independent Author should present the Final Report to agency Strategic Leads for agreement prior to publication. The agreed documents should then be forwarded to the NYSAB Independent Chair by the Governance TeamNYSAB Governance TeamOn completion of final report
  The Independent Chair will determine how the final SAR report, recommendations and action plans are to be presented to the NYSAB.  Independent Chair 
  Liaison should take place with the adult and/or their representative regarding the final report and allow for feedback  Nominated contactPrior to publication
  The Local Authority will ensure there are appropriate arrangements in place to support the adult and/or family members in preparation for, and following the publication of the report  Nominated contact/NYSAB Governance Team 
6Sharing the LearningThe NYSAB should agree the dissemination of learning, which will include providing feedback to staff and agencies involved in the case  Independent Chair 
  An Action Plan will be created to oversee the implemention of any recommendations/actions  LARImmediately prior to publication
  A reason should be given for any decision where the NYSAB decides not to implement a recommended actionLAR/NYSAB 
7Publication of ReportsAll Safeguarding Adults Reviews conducted within the year will be referenced within the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board’s Annual Report together with any actions that it has taken or intends to take. All reports will be anonymised unless family have specified otherwise. The Annual Report will also include the reason for any decision where the NYSAB decides not to implement an action  NYSAB Governance TeamAnnually
  The NYSAB will publish Safeguarding Adults Reviews together with the associated Delivery Report on its website  NYSAB Governance TeamAs required
8.Monitoring1.   Arrangements for the monitoring of actions plans  should be put in place as follows: Individual agency action plans to be monitored by the agency concernedOverall monitoring to be undertaken by the LARA report on the implementation of action plans across partnerships to be given to the NYSAB at an agreed frequencyLiaison to continue to take place with the adult and/or their representative as appropriateLARFollowing creation of the plan and until all actions are completed.
  Family/representatives will be informed of progress against the action plan six months after publication of the SARLAR 

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