The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board (NYSAB) has accepted the findings and recommendations of a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) that the Board commissioned regarding ‘Elaine’, who died in 2021.
The purpose of a Safeguarding Adult Review is to look at how multiple agencies can best work together to protect people and provide recommendations on how lessons can be learned from their experiences to improve practice and services.
Elaine was an eighty-year-old woman who had contact with a range of agencies in North Yorkshire. The report focusses on understanding issues that informed agency / professionals’ actions and what, if anything, prevented them from being able to properly help and protect Elaine from harm.
The report makes a number of recommendations to the individual agencies involved and the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board as a whole, all of which have been accepted in full. It also highlights several areas of good practice from staff who worked with Elaine.
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board offer their sincere condolences to Elaine’s family and friends.
The full report can be viewed below.