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Hate Crime Awareness Week (14th-21st October 2023)

Hate Crime Awareness Week (14th-21st October 2023)

Monday 16thOnline Webinar 1: Understanding of Autism and Sensory
Dave Pascoe, Restorative Solutions
16th October @ 10:00 -11:00
Providing a brief overview of the conditions and the impact on individuals and their families. What services can do to provide support when working with those impacted by Autism Spectrum Condition. Objectives will be to prove those that attend with basic knowledge of:-  
• What Autism Spectrum Condition is. 
• Legislation that safeguards the rights of those with ASC.
• Recognise the importance reasonable adjustments can make
• Reduce the effect of your working environment on those with Sensory needs. 
• Provide information of support to those requiring help.

Registration via event brite:
Understanding of Autism and Sensory Disorders Tickets, Mon 16 Oct 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Tuesday 17thOnline Webinar 2: Inspiring an Inclusive Approach to Everyday Life 
Chris Hailey- Norris, Chief Executive, Up for Yorkshire
16th October @ 11:00 – 12:30
This workshop will provide practitioners with a practical overview of what to consider incorporating inclusion, diversity, and equality in your daily life.

Registration via event brite:
Implementing an Inclusive Approach to Everyday Life Tickets, Mon 16 Oct 2023 at 11:00 | Eventbrite
Online Webinar 3: Trans Awareness Session
Clare Yates, North Yorkshire Youth
 @12:30 – 14:00 
This workshop solely focuses on Trans Awareness. We introduce terminology and language affecting the trans community. We explore Gender dysphoria, look at laws and transphobic discrimination, and learn about hate reporting and signposting.
• Learn what Trans means.
• Experience a trans journey through the eyes of a trans man.
• Learn about gender identity. 
• Explore gender dysphoria.
• Explore statistics in relation to trans people.
• Discuss trans terminology.
• Look at discrimination and the law.
• Learn about hate crime and reporting.
• Understand the importance of privacy.
• Learn where to sign post and access further support and training.

Registration via event brite:
Trans Awareness Course Tickets, Tue 17 Oct 2023 at 12:30 | Eventbrite
Online Webinar 4: Hate Crime Awareness LGBT community York LGBT Forum
17th October @18:00 – 19:30 
Join us for this county-wide event, hosted by the York LGBT Forum.
Homophobic Hate Crime is the second most reported type of hate crime in North Yorkshire. If you’re interested in learning how you can support the LGBTQ+ community, we invite you to attend. 
Webinar Objectives:
1. Increase understanding of what constitutes Hate Crime.
2. Raise awareness of the reporting process for Hate Crime and available support.
3. Create a safe space for individuals to share their experiences and address barriers to reporting.
Registration via event brite:
Hate Crime Awareness LGBT community Tickets, Tue 17 Oct 2023 at 18:00 | Eventbrite

Demystifying Report and Support session 
Nicola Campbell, Head of Student Conduct and Respect
University of York
17th October @ 10:00
As part of Hate Crime Awareness Week, this session explains what happens to when you report an incident on the University’s Report and Support.
Location York University: PL/002.  School of Physics,
Engineering and Technology Building, Campus West which is in the Exhibition Centre, Ground Floor. This is open for external partners.
Register via event brite
Demystifying Report + Support Tickets, Tue 17 Oct 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Online Webinar 5:  Misogyny and VAWG awareness session
Carmel Offord, IDAS
19th October @ 12 noon – 13:00
Underpinning violence against women and girls is a spectrum of behaviours and attitudes that permeate through our society – sexism and misogyny. This workshop will look at the systems and structures that enable these to prevail and the everyday actions that embolden perpetrators of gender-based violence and abuse. The workshop will encourage discussion and aims to empower us all to think about the changes we can make to
prevent violence against women and girls 
Registration via event brite
Misogyny, sexism and violence against women and girls Tickets, Thu 19 Oct 2023 at 12:00 | Eventbrite
Webinar 6: Hate Crime Awareness and Community
Champions Accredited Session
PC Amy Price, Hate Crime Coordinator, NYP 18th October @17:30-19:00
Hate Crime Awareness 17:30-18:30 hours: This hate awareness training package delivered by North Yorkshire Police will explain what a hate crime is, the impact of hate on victims and the wider community, the barriers to reporting, means of reporting and support services available.
Hate Crime Community Champions 18:30-19:00 hours: At the end of the Hate Crime Awareness training session, there will be an appeal for volunteers to take their commitment a step further and become a Hate Crime Community Champion through this accredited training. This session will focus on how champions can raise awareness within their local community and places of work. Community Champions will receive a certificate confirming their completion of the training.
Individuals who do not wish to become Community Champions at this time will be able to leave the training at 18:30 hours.
Both parts of this training are mandatory for those wishing to become Community Champions.
Registration via event brite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hate-crime-awareness-andcommunity-champions-accredited-webinar-tickets726014377547?aff=oddtdtcreator
Thursday 19thInspiring an Inclusive Approach to Everyday Life 
Chris Hailey Norris, Up for Yorkshire
19th October @ 13:00 – 16:00
Selby face to face session a 3-hour session that focuses on practical applications to create a working environment of inclusion, diversity, and equality. 
Registration via event brite
Understanding Community Tensions in relating to Anti Minority Groups (Session to Community First Yorkshire only) 
Lesley Gray, NYC and SGT Ben Hallewell @ 9:30-14:00
Face to face workshop at County Hall, Northallerton with Community First Yorkshire. This session will cover Community tensions in relation to anti minority groups, hate crimes and prevent, looking at how we can get messages in and out of our communities and increase reporting.
Hate Crime Awareness Session (Webinar for Health and Adult staff ONLY) 
Fiona Hewison and Diane Burton, NYC
14:00- 15.30
We may all have witnessed hate crime at some point in our lives and unfortunately some of us may have been victims. A hate crime is any crime that is motivated by hostility on the grounds of race, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or gender identity. This webinar will enable you to understand and recognise; what hate crime is; how to support victims; when to raise an Adult Safeguarding concern and when and how to refer to the police. 

Friday 20thRegional Hate Crime Conference (For Police Officers ONLY)  20th 9:30 – 16:00
Focus on Antisemitism. Police HQ, Northallerton (face to face Event)

Hate Crime Awareness Week is a national week (14th October – 21st October 2023) of action to encourage local authorities, key partners and communities affected by hate crime to work together to tackle local hate crime issues.
The countywide Inclusive Communities Joint Coordinating Group, will utilise this week, Monday 16th October to Friday 20th October, to:

• Raise awareness on hate crime, with a particular focus on disability

• Build trust in our services and confidence to report hate crime, whilst also promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce and community.

• Promote support services available to those who may suffer incidents of Hate Crime in North Yorkshire and the City of York

This is supported by the Safeguarding Adults Boards, Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Community Safety Partnerships. 

Representatives from a number of organisations/partnership have met to build on
previous year’s successful campaign in finalising proposals and plans for a
coordinated social media campaign that makes use of and signposts to, existing
As part of this #HelpNotHateNY has been developed for use during Hate Crime
Awareness Week 2023. As the focus is on raising the awareness of Disability hate
crime the following hashtag will also be used in conjunction #DisabledNotInvisible

In North Yorkshire and the City of York each day will focus on different key messages relating to both hate crime/disability and prevent as follows:

Local engagement events during Hate Crime Awareness Week

A number of events have been arranged throughout the week by local Community Safety Hub and NPTs:

• Monday 16th October – Pickering Market – 10 to 12
• Tuesday 17th October – Malton Library – 10 to 12
• Wednesday 18th October – Kirkbymoorside Market – 10 to 12
• Thursday 19th October – Norton Hive/Library – 10 to 12
• Friday 20th October – Helmsley Market – 10 to 12
• Saturday 28th October 10-12 at Malton School event arranged by a PC in the Safer Neighbourhood Team. NPT
• Hate Crime Assembly with disability focus at Pickering Junior School
• Ryedale Special Families LGBT+ Group drop-in session and to discuss inputs for schools / colleges
• “How to report” and other posters being displayed in prominent locations
• 16th October 10-11am drop in with POMOC (Malton) 
• 19th October Lesson with year 6 on hate crime 
• 20th October Lesson with year 6 on hate crime  

Wednesday 18th October at Northallerton Town Hall a joint event with be held with Hambleton Community Safety Hub, Mencap and other supporting organisations. Flash Mob to be there for a performance and MENCAP will be preforming their Poem  ‘When you look at me’
*Performance to be recorded – Photo and interview opportunity.
PFCC will be attending this event.
• Tuesday 17th Bedale NPT are hosting a market stall.
Contact: PCSO Charlotte Jones

Wednesday 18th October at Northallerton Town Hall a joint event with be held with Hambleton Community Safety Hub, Mencap and other supporting organisations. Flash Mob to be there for a performance and MENCAP will be preforming their Poem  ‘When you look at me’
*Performance to be recorded – Photo and interview opportunity.
PFCC will be attending this event.
• Tuesday 17th Bedale NPT are hosting a market stall.
Contact: PCSO Charlotte Jones

• 16th October: Licensing meeting and part of that with the licensees will cover a hate crime module.
• 17th October: York & Selby IAG
• 18th October: Op Grip deployments (Known as Ambience in other areas) HC banners to promote reporting at those areas
• 20th October: Targeted work in Sherburn and Tadcaster with Selby’s Snr Business advisor (coincides with Safer Business Action Week) to promote how they can encourage reporting from customers. 
Banners will be taken to the supermarkets and left for the weekend.

Monday 16th October 
• Hate Crime Awareness Stand at Tesco Catterick Garrison from 12noon – 3pm on. Contact: PCSO Katie Whitehead 
• 14:00-15:00 @ Carnagill Primary School – Hate Crime Input 
Mini Police Programme – input on hate crime
19th October
• 12:30-14:00 @ Wensleydale Secondary School – Lunchtime Hate Crime Stand
• 16th / 18th / 20th Engagement at Risedale School
• 19th October 23 Input with Police Cadets
• 21st October Hate Crime stall in Leyburn COOP

• 16th October: Hate Crime event at local secondary school (Crosshills)

• Dropin session Woodfield Library Bilton

What Can You and Your Organisation Do?

✓ Post Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023 content on your social media accounts, (Twitter and Facebook), for each Board and Partnership (see resources for content)
✓ Follow the Boards and Partnerships on Twitter and retweet their social media

  • North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership: @NYorksCSP
  • North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board: @NYSAB1
  • North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership: @NYSCP1
  • City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership: @YorkSCP
  • City of York Safeguarding Adult Board: @CityOfYork
  • North Yorkshire Police: @NYorksPolice
  • Prevent Partnership Board @NYorksPrevent
  • North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service @NorthYorksFire
  • City Of York Council: @cityofyork
  • Safer York Partnership: @saferyork
  • Twitter: @northyorkspfcc
  • Commissioner Zoe’s Twitter: @PFCCZoeMetcalfe
  • Facebook: @northyorkspfcc
  • Instagram: @northyorkspfcc
  • Nextdoor: Office of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire & Crime

✓ To share Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023 posts on your social media
accounts and get messages out across your networks
✓ Encourage colleagues to share this briefing pack and resources for Hate Crime
Awareness Week 2023 and ask them to join you in supporting Hate Crime
Awareness Week 2023 campaign.
✓ Please don’t forget the campaign hashtags in your posts #HelpNotHateNY #DisabledNotInvisible

Link to training events:

North Yorkshire Partnership Website: https://nypartnerships.org.uk/eventsandcampaignscsp

Useful Videos: Hate Crime Videos

(To be use for internal training only not for member so the public)

Provided by North Yorkshire Learning Disability Partnership

City of York Adults Safeguarding Board

Active Bystander

Partnership video 

NYCC School Guidance for ‘managing prejudice based incidents and hate crime’ https://cyps.northyorks.gov.uk/equalitiesanddiversity

Overarching Tweet

#HateCrimeAwarenessWeek Partners across York and North Yorkshire are working together to tackle Hate Crime with a focus on Disability. Visit

https://nypartnerships.org.uk/eventsandcampaignscsp #HelpNotHateNY#DisabledNotInvisible

Email banner to use, if you would like to use this throughout the week as part of your email signature: 

Hate Crime Word Cloud

If you need further information on the webinars outlined above, please contact the key leads listed below.

Please note the key leads for the online training session and contact details are as follows:

  • Understanding of Autism and Sensory Disorders session: Dave Pascoe, Restorative Solutions at DavePascoe@restorativesolutions.org.uk
  • Inspiring an Inclusive Approach to Everyday Life: Chris Hayley Norris, Chief Executive, Up for Yorkshire, chris@upforyorkshire.org.uk
  • Hate Crime Awareness LGBT community: jake.furby@yorklgbtforum.org
  • Trans Awareness Session: Clare Yates, North Yorkshire Youth at clare@nyy.org.uk
  • Hate Crime Awareness Session: PC Amy Price, Hate Crime Coordinator, amy.price@northyorkshire.police.uk
  • Misogyny, sexism and violence against women and girls: Carmel Offord, IDAS Carmel.Offord@idas.org.uk

Comms contacts:

  • North Yorkshire Council – Martin Feekins, Martin.Feekins@northyorks.gov.uk and Romy Anderson, romy.anderson@northyorks.gov.uk
  • North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership/Inclusive Communities JCG – Lesley Gray, Lesley.gray@northyorks.gov.uk
  • North Yorkshire Police – Tom Stirling, Tom.stirling@northyorkshire.police.uk
  • City of York Council Megan Rule, Megan.rule@york.gov.uk  
  • NY Adults Safeguarding Board, Laura.watson@northyorks.gov.uk
  • NY Safeguarding Children’s Partnership, Haydn.ReesJones@northyorks.gov.uk

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