We have published our annual report for 2023-24
This report is the first from Adrian Green, independent chair of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board, and therefore captures the work that has been undertaken by the Board and its partners across North Yorkshire under the direction of previous chair, Dr Sue Proctor.
The report highlights the work that has been carried out throughout the year, not least the learning from our safeguarding adult reviews, our joint working with the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and Community Safety Partnerships as well as the work of our sub-groups, local safeguarding partnerships and the continued engagement and communications work.
We are keen to ensure that our partners are aware of the importance of safeguarding adults and are confident that their organisations are playing a positive part in our safeguarding adults’ partnership. Therefore, we ask that this report is shared throughout your organisations and networks. The report is available here on the NYSAB website: https://safeguardingadults.co.uk/annual-reports . A one-page summary of key achievements from the Board is also attached.
Once again, thanks to partners for their continued work with the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board and the work you continue to keep adults at risk safe.