Save the date: Monday 20th – Friday 24th June

Its back! The 2022 Safeguarding Week campaign will take place between Monday 20th – Friday 24th June
Hosted by the safeguarding adults’ boards, safeguarding children’s partnerships and community safety partnerships from North Yorkshire, York and East Riding – the Safeguarding Week campaign affords us the opportunity to feature inspirational expert speakers from the safeguarding community to support your professional development, stimulate discussion and provoke innovative thinking.
Following the success of our on-line conference last year, we will be following the same format this year – hosting a week of virtual webinars, presentations and workshops; for both professionals and members of the public.
In North Yorkshire, the safeguarding adults board will be hosting the following workshops / presentations:
- Homelessness, substance misuse and mental health
- Suicide prevention and mental health
- Suicide prevention, postvention and bereavement support.
We will also support presentations from our partners on emerging drug trends, safeguarding in the care sector and the North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service workshop on prevention and the use of emolium creams.
Throughout the campaign we will highlight the fantastic multi-agency work of organisations and communities in keeping adults, children, young people and communities safe and, as ever, we will promote the message that safeguarding IS everybody’s business.
Registration for the workshops and presentations will open in May and we wanted to be sure that you had the dates set aside in your diary.
We look forward to sharing the full programme with you when it is available.
In the meantime, if you would like more information about the Safeguarding Week campaign please contact
Sign up now for your Safeguarding Week Sessions
The full programme of events for Safeguarding Week is now open for viewing and booking via Eventbrite

Resources to support Safeguarding Week 2022
We have resources that you can use to help support and promote Safeguarding Week 2022 including an email banner, a NYSAB Teams background and a blank background to add your organisation logo to .
You can download from the links below.