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Volunteers Week 2021

Volunteers Week takes place between 1st – 7th June every year. It’s a chance to recognise the fantastic contribution volunteers make to our communities and say thank you.

The national campaign is ran by Volunteers’ Week (https://volunteersweek.org/) and there’s lots of resources and information about how you, your organisation and communities can get involved (see links below)

Locally, we encourage our partners to share the resources and messages coming from our partners at Community First Yorkshire, this includes a media release which can be found here and also sharing the social media messages they will be promoting throughout the week.

The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board (NYSAB) will also be sharing information and resources via our website (www.safeguardingadults.co.uk)  and Twitter account ( www.twitter.com/NYSAB1 ) throughout Volunteers Week and we encourage our partners to signpost people to these and promote these messages via their platforms.

There is more information below about Community First North Yorkshire as well as links to resources to support the Volunteers Week campaign.

About Community First Yorkshire

Community First Yorkshire is an influential, regional body that works with voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises and rural communities across North, South and West Yorkshire.

We are an independent charity and membership body formed from a merger between Rural Action Yorkshire and the North Yorkshire and York Forum in 2017. We are also a rural community council, part of the national ACRE Network (Action with Communities in Rural England) helping communities improve the quality of life for all people living and working in rural Yorkshire.

We are funded by Defra to provide an important rural advocacy and influencing role, enabling and empowering communities to develop the confidence to help themselves and ensure their needs are heard by policy makers and service providers, on a local, regional and national scale.

We are the first port of call for voluntary organisations, social enterprises and parish councils looking for practical support. We can help with everything from governance and funding, to strategic planning and community engagement through our training and events, resources and networks.

Contact Information

Telephone: 01904 704177   Email:  info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk

Website:  www.communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk     Twitter: @CommFirstYorks         

Facebook: @Comm1stYorks

About Volunteers Week

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