Vulnerability to Radicalisation Week 2022

What is Vulnerability to Radicalisation Week 2022?
Vulnerability to Radicalisation (V2R) Week is a national campaign of action to encourage local authorities, key partners and communities to work together to prevent those who are most vulnerable in our communities being drawn into terrorism. The week commencing Monday 26th September is Vulnerability to Radicalisation week here in North Yorkshire
During V2R week our colleagues at CTPNE are giving various inputs that Officers, staff and our partner agencies may find beneficial in order to fully understand the signs to be aware of and what to do if you have concerns, alongside awareness of other, more traditional safeguarding risks such as Domestic Abuse, Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) or County Lines.
What do we mean by ‘Vulnerability to radicalisation’?
‘V2R occurs when a person, as a result of their situation or circumstances, may be drawn or exploited into supporting terrorism or extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.’
The York and North Yorkshire Prevent Partnership Board, will utilise this week, Monday 26th September – Friday 30th September, to promote key message, share resources and raise awareness on how to support and protect those who are vulnerable to radicalisation in North Yorkshire and the City of York.
As part of this #Vulnerability2Radicalisation has been developed for use during Vulnerability to Radicalisation Week 2022.
The table below shows a schedule for the week including links to sessions, suggested social media posts and activity to support key messages throughout the week.
Date | Theme |
Monday 26th | Joint Press release Twitter and Social Media, each day use #Vulnerabilty2Radicalisation Face to face event Hambleton & Richmondshire 9:30- 11:00 Vulnerability to Radicalisation Event (Hambleton & Richmondshire) Tickets, Mon 26 Sep 2022 at 09:30 | Eventbrite Overarching tweet Vulnerable to Radicalisation Week – York and North Yorkshire Prevent Partnership Board are working together to support those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation #Vulnerability2Radicalisation. For more information visit Prevent | North Yorkshire Partnerships ( Tweet 1 What is prevent? For more information watch the following video #Vulnerability2Radicalisation Tweet 2 If you are a professional working in safeguarding and want to understand more about Prevent and the risks of radicalisation you can access free training via NYpartnership website Events and Latest News | North Yorkshire Partnerships ( #Vulnerability2Radicalisation |
Tuesday 27th | Online Event 10:00 – 11:30 Vulnerability to Radicalisation Event Tickets, Tue 27 Sep 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite Tweet 1 Make sure you and your family stay safe online. For more advice for parents, guardians & careers visit #Vulnerability2Radicalisation Tweet 2 Learn more about how we can work together to help if someone close to you is at risk of radicalisation #Vulnerability2Radicalisation Visit Reach out for help – Counter Terrorism Policing ( |
Wednesday 28th | Face to face Event York and Selby 9:00 – 10:30 Vulnerability to Radicalisation Event (Selby & York) Tickets, Wed 28 Sep 2022 at 09:00 | Eventbrite Online event 11:100 – 12:00 *for Selby frontline staff only Right-Wing Extremism Signs & Symbols session (Selby) Tickets | Eventbrite Face to face event Craven & Harrogate at 13:30 – 15:00 Vulnerability to Radicalisation Event (Craven & Harrogate) Tickets, Skipton | Eventbrite Tweet 1 It can be hard to know when extreme views become something dangerous. And the signs of radicalisation aren’t always obvious #Vulnerability2Radicalisation. Learn more by visiting What to look for – Counter Terrorism Policing ( Tweet 2 It’s not easy to challenge a young person about online activity who wants their privacy and your trust. Help them to stay safe. Tips on how to stay safe online #Vulnerability2Radicalisation visitStaying safe online – Counter Terrorism Policing ( |
Thursday 29th | Online event 17:00 – 18:30 Vulnerability to Radicalisation Event Tickets, Thu 29 Sep 2022 at 17:00 | Eventbrite Tweet 1 Prevent is about safeguarding and supporting those vulnerable to radicalisation #Vulnerability2Radicalisation. For more information, visit the ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation Tweet 2 Prevent concern? Call 101 or report anonymously on the Anti-Terror Hotline 0800789321. Partner agencies should follow existing safeguarding routes or call a NYP Prevent Officer for advice #Vulnerability2Radicalisation |
Friday 30th | Face to face event: Scarborough and Ryedale 13:00 – 15:00 Vulnerability to Radicalisation Event (Scarborough & Ryedale) Tickets, Fri 30 Sep 2022 at 13:30 | Eventbrite Tweet 1 If you work in an education setting visit Educate Against Hate – Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism for trusted resources to safeguard your students from radicalisation #Vulnerability2Radicalisation Tweet 2 Are you worried someone close to you is being radicalised #Vulnerability2Radicalisation. For more information visit ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation |
What Can You and Your Organisation Do?
- Post Vulnerability to Radicalisation Week 2022 content on your social media accounts (Twitter and Facebook), for each Board and Partnership (see resources for content)
- Follow the Boards and Partnerships on Twitter and retweet their social media posts
- North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership: @NYorksCSP
- North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board: @NYSAB1
- North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership: @NYSCP1
- City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership: @YorkSCP
- City of York Safeguarding Adult Board: @CityOfYork
- North Yorkshire Police: @NYorksPolice
- North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service @NorthYorksFire
- City Of York Council: cityofyork
- Safer York Partnership: @saferyork
- To share Vulnerability to Radicalisation Week 2022 posts on your social media accounts and get messages out across your networks
- Encourage colleagues to share this briefing pack and resources for Vulnerability to Radicalisation Week 2022 and ask them to join you in supporting the campaign and accessing the training offered during this week.
- Please don’t forget the campaign hashtag in your posts #Vulnerability2Radicalisation
Useful Links and Resources
Link to book onto sessions
Prevent | North Yorkshire Partnerships (
ELearning Home Office
Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people vulnerable to radicalisation
ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation
Report terrorist or extremist content online – Action Counters Terrorism
Education Resources
London Grid of Learning
Online Safety Resource Centre – London Grid for Learning (
Lets talk about it
Lets Talk About It – Working Together To Prevent Terrorism (
Email banner to support the campaign

Please note the key contact for campaign:
- Vulnerability to Radicalisation events and webinars: Sgt Ben Hallewell at