Anti-Slavery Day 18th October 2023

What is Anti-Slavery Day 18th October?
The National Anti-Slavery Day 18th October provides an opportunity to raise
awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery, and encourage government,
local authorities, companies, charities and individuals to do what they can to address
the problem.
The Modern Slavery Partnership will utilise this day, Wednesday 18th October, to
promote and raise awareness on Modern Slavery and its impact in North Yorkshire
and City of York, whilst also signposting to support available. This is supported by
the Safeguarding Adults Boards, Safeguarding Children Partnerships and
Community Safety Partnerships.
Representatives from a number of organisations/partnership have met to ensure a
coordinated approach is taken for a social media campaign that makes use of and
signposts to, existing resources.
As part of this #ReportModernSlavery has been developed for use during the Anti-
Slavery Day 2023.
In North Yorkshire and the City of York from Monday 16th until Wednesday 18th a
number of key messages will be shared relating to Modern Slavery as follows:
Monday 16th -Thursday 19th October | Key messages to raise awareness of Modern Slavery and its impact in North Yorkshire and City of York, whilst signposting to support and resources. To promote the recent Podcasts on the 18th October 23 (TBC): (Adults) |
Online Webinars | |
18th October | Gender Exploitation Webinar @ 9:30 – 11am Rosie Plummer, The Children’s Society The session will examine the types of exploitation which young people may experience and offer some information on spotting the signs. It will then focus specifically on the gendered assumptions often made about exploitation and offer an insight into the criminal exploitation of girls and the sexual exploitation of boys, as well as touching on the existing lack of knowledge around the exploitation of gender diverse young people. To register for this session please click onto the link below: Gender Exploitation Tickets, Wed 18 Oct 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite |
19th October | The National Referral Mechanism: Webinar for First Responders Tickets, Thu 19 Oct 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite This session will be delivered by Human Trafficking Foundation and is aimed at First Respondersto understand the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) decision-making process and to strengthen the quality of NRM. referrals. |
Face to face events | |
18th October | EXHIBITION on MODERN DAY SLAVERY to mark Anti- Slavery Day 2023 at York Unitarians from 10 am to 3pm and 5pm to 7pm |
This information is listed on the NYPartnership website at the North Yorkshire Community Partnership page and can be accessed via the following link: Events & Campaigns | North Yorkshire Partnerships (
Dates for your diaries – Future Training
- Modern Slavery Awareness Session (Multi Agency) – Date to be confirmed for more information please contact
- Modern Slavery Masterclass 6th December 12noon to book onto this access the following link: NYSCP (
- Please contact if you wish to attend the following courses:
- Tuesday (9.30-13.00) 31st October 2023 – Modern Slavery Awareness (accredited 3 CPD points)
- Thursday (9.30-13.00) 2nd November 2023 – Modern Slavery Awareness (accredited 3 CPD points)
- Wednesday (9.30-13.00) 8th November 2023 – Modern Slavery Awareness (accredited 3 CPD points)
- Tuesday (9.30-13.00) 14th November 2023 – Disclosure Encounter (accredited 3 CPD points)
- Wednesday (9.30-13.00) 22nd November 2023 – Trauma Informed Case Reporting (accredited 3 CPD points)
What Can You and Your Organisation Do?
- Post Anti-Slavery Day 2023 content on your social media accounts (Twitter and
- Facebook), for each Board and Partnership (see resources below, for content)
- Follow the Boards and Partnerships on Twitter and retweet their social media posts
- North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership: @NYorksCSP
- North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board: @NYSAB1
- North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership: @NYSCP1
- City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership: @YorkSCP
- City of York Safeguarding Adult Board: @CityOfYork
- North Yorkshire Police: @NYorksPolice
- Prevent Partnership Board @NYorksPrevent
- North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service @NorthYorksFire
- City Of York Council: @cityofyork
- Safer York Partnership: @saferyork
- To share Anti-Slavery Day 2023 posts on your social media accounts and get messages out across your networks
- Encourage colleagues to share this briefing note and resources for Anti-Slavery 2023 and ask them to join you in supporting Anti-Slavery Day 2023 campaign.
- Please don’t forget the campaign hashtag in your posts #ReportModernSlavery
If you wish to download literature, please use the following links:
Hope for Justice –
Crimestoppers UK – Modern slavery | Crimestoppers ( – Literature and Posters – HT MDS
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership: Be Aware online knowledge hub set up by NYSCP in collaboration with families across North Yorkshire –
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board Resource Library –
The Human Trafficking Foundation – Human Trafficking Foundation
Definitions and Indicators: how to identify a victim of human trafficking or modern slavery: a11ae6cfbba8d27b36/1528188329682/LWG+Local+Authorities+Modern+ Slavery+Protocol+%28adults%29+-+Identification+….pdf
Statutory Duties and Powers: ab1ae6cfbba8d27c22/1528188339535/LWG+Local+Authorities+Modern+ Slavery+Protocol+%28adults%29+-+Statutory+Dutie….pdf
Referral Pathway for adult victims: 6b562fa7121fa39da3/1528188528869/LWG+Local+Authorities+Modern+S lavery+Protocol+%28adults%29+-+Adult+NRM+Pathw….pdf
NRM process guide: Local Authorities’ Referral Pathway for adult victims of Modern Slavery – 12 step process guide:Adult NRM Pathway v2.indd (
Modern Slavery: Unseen UK
Recognise and report modern slavery or seek help through the Unseen App. The app provides a simple guide to recognising the signs of modern slavery and reporting concerns in confidence. Tens of thousands of modern slavery victims are estimated to be in the UK today, and an estimated 40 million worldwide. Slavery is happening all around us, seen but unseen, – in car washes and nail bars, hotels and restaurants, factories and warehouses, massage parlours and private homes – in fact it can be anywhere. This unseen crime, hidden in our communities, is hard to tackle if we don’t know what to look for or what action to take.
Download from the link(s) below:
- Windows ––gb&gl=gb
- iTunes –
- Google Play – _GB
- The Children’s Society The Children’s Society | UK children’s charity (
- One Minute Guides (OMGs) for Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
- Adults:–with–adults/one–minuteguides–omg/modern–slavery–human–trafficking–and–the–national–referralmechanism–nrm/
- Children’s; NYSCP (
- National Referral Mechanism Guide NYSCP (
- 7 Point Briefing on Modern Slavery
Useful Videos:
Audience – Local Authority Local Government Modern Slavery – YouTube
Podcasts – (Adults)
National Signposting:
- Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
- National Modern Slavery Hotline 08000 121 700
- 101.
Local information:
For any concerns in North Yorkshire, please contact the Customer Contact Centre 0300 1312131
National Referral Mechanism
For any queries: email
Local Safeguarding Partnerships/Boards Websites:
- North Yorkshire Children’s Safeguarding BoardNYSCP (
- North Yorkshire Adults Safeguarding Board information
- City of York Adults Safeguarding Board: Home – Safeguarding Adults ( Raise a concern – Safeguarding Adults (
- City Of York Safer Children’s Partnership Child Sexual Abuse & Exploitation (
If you need further information on the key areas outlined above, please contact the key leads listed:
Comms contacts:
- North Yorkshire County Council – Romy Anderson –
- North Yorkshire Police – Maeve Chappell –
- City of York Council – Megan Rule –
- NY Safeguarding Children’s Partnership –
- NY Safeguarding Adult’s Board –