Save the date for Safeguarding Week 2023

Its back. Safeguarding Week will take place between 19 – 23 June 2023.
Following the success of our on-line conference last year, we are pleased to confirm that we have gathered a line-up of fascinating topics that will be of interest to both the public and professionals.
The conference brings inspirational expert speakers from the safeguarding community to support your professional development, stimulate discussion and provoke innovative thinking.
Registration for the sessions will open in May and we wanted to be sure that you had the dates set aside in your diary.
The programme of events is now live! You can view the full programme and book onto sessions by visiting:
Resources from sessions
Resources for the topics presented are available at the links below
- Trading Standards and Safeguarding will be available shortly
- Sexual Health and Safeguarding will be available shortly
- Drug and Alcohol Related Deaths will be available shortly
- Suicide Prevention
- Scams Awareness will be available shortly
- North Yorkshire Horizons and NYH Rise – recording of session available
- GamCare – Gambling Harms and Money Matters will be available shortly