Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022

Hate Crime Awareness Week is a national week (9th October – 16th October 2021) of action to encourage local authorities, key partners and communities affected by hate crime to work together to tackle local hate crime issues.
The countywide Inclusive Communities Joint Coordinating Group, will utilise this week, Monday 10th October – Friday 14th October, to:
- Raise awareness on Hate Crime with a particular focus on misogyny;
- Increase the reporting of Hate Crimes; and
- Promote support services available to those who may suffer incidents of Hate Crime in North Yorkshire and the City of York
This is supported by the Safeguarding Adults Boards, Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Community Safety Partnerships.
Representatives from a number of organisations/partnership have met to build on previous year’s successful campaign in finalising proposals and plans for a coordinated social media campaign that makes use of and signposts to, existing resources.
Date | Theme |
Monday 10th | Joint Press Release introducing HCAW and the focus for the week What is Hate Crime – misogyny? What is misogyny and why we are promoting this as part of HCAW? How to report a hate crime? What support is available (Supporting Victims) OPFCC VAWG strategy www.northyorkshire-pfcc.gov.uk/womenandgirls/ (a video of Zoe explaining her strategy which we are pushing https://youtu.be/5h1NgKisbRk. ) Videohttps://that-guy.co.uk/do-you-recognise-yourself-in-our-60-second-film/ |
Tuesday 11th | Webinar Session delivered by North Yorkshire Youth Basic awareness of misogyny in a youth work setting delivered by North Yorkshire Youth Outcomes of the session: Understand the definition of misogyny Recognise what misogyny looks like in a youth work setting Understand the consequences of misogyny Gain confidence in challenging misogynistic views and behaviour Know how to report misogynistic hate crimes and incidents and be able to signpost appropriately (This will be repeated 3 times through the week) Webinar 1.Tuesday 11th October 11am-midday Basic awareness of misogyny in a youth work setting Tickets, Tue 11 Oct 2022 at 11:00 | Eventbrite Webinar 2: Tuesday 11th October 2-3pm Basic awareness of misogyny in a youth work setting Tickets, Tue 11 Oct 2022 at 14:00 | Eventbrite |
Wednesday 12th | Webinar 3: Wednesday 12th October 18:00 – 19:00 Misogyny as Hate Crime Webinar Session delivered by North Yorkshire Police North Yorkshire Police will be delivering a session on “Misogyny as Hate Crime”. The session will include an overview of hate crime with a focus on misogyny as the theme of Hate Crime Awareness Week.” Misogyny as Hate Crime Tickets, Wed 12 Oct 2022 at 18:00 | Eventbrite 3rd Webinar Session delivered by North Yorkshire Youth Webinar 4. Basic awareness of misogyny in a youth work setting (see above) Wednesday 12th October 7-8pm Basic awareness of misogyny in a youth work setting Tickets, Wed 12 Oct 2022 at 19:00 | Eventbrite |
Thursday 13th | Designated Safeguarding Lead Conference at Pavilion, Harrogate (NY Safeguarding Children’s Partnership) Workshop to raise awareness of Hate Crime and Radicalisation: Supporting Education Settings in Identifying those impacted by Hate Incidents and vulnerable to radicalisation Promotion of All About Respect online ‘how to be become an active by stander in relation to hate crime’ module https://allaboutrespectysj.wordpress.com |
Friday 14th | Webinar 5 delivered by IDAS Oct 14, 2022 12:00 – 13:00: Misogyny, sexism and violence against women and girls Underpinning violence against women and girls is a spectrum of behaviours and attitudes that permeate through our society – sexism and misogyny. This workshop will look at the systems and structures that enable these to prevail and the everyday actions that embolden perpetrators of gender-based violence and abuse. The workshop will encourage discussion and aims to empower us all to think about the changes we can make to prevent violence against women and girls. IDAS – Misogyny, sexism and violence against women and girls Tickets | Eventbrite |
Local Engagement Events during Hate Crime Awareness Week
Date: Saturday 8th October
Time: 9am to 2pm
Location: Community Safety Hub, Malton Monthly Food Market, Market Place, Malton
Attending: Ryedale District Council, NYP Safer Neighbourhood Team, NY Fire & Rescue
Date: Saturday 15th October
Time: 10am to 12 noon
Location: Community Safety Hub, Market Place, Pickering (Located on pavement outside Boots)
Attending: Ryedale District Council, NYP Safer Neighbourhood Team
Contact Sally Rogers: Sally.rogers@rydale.gov.uk
Northallerton and the Dales Mencap Society in partnership with the Safer Hambleton Hub will be hosting a Hate Crime Awareness Week Event in Northallerton Town Hall on Wednesday 12th October 2022.
Contact Jane Branch: Jane.branch@hambleton.gov.uk
Mon 10th: Scarborough stall with NPT / Hate Crime Coordinator, NYP
Contact PC Amy Price: amy.price@northyorkshire.police.uk
15th October ‘Flashmob’ event working in partnership with PCSO Helenor Gwatkin (CAP) and Edwina Anderson (NYY).
Contact Jo Butler: Jo.butler@richmondshire.gov.uk
Fri 14th: Skipton, stall with NPT & Public Safety Officers.
Contact PC Amy Price: amy.price@northyorkshire.police.uk
Tues 11th: York St John Roadshow – NYP Hate Crime Team,
Contact: PC Amy Price amy.price@northyorkshire.police.uk
Make A Difference programme 8th of October at University of York and 15th October St. Sampson’s Centre
· Hate Crime awareness training for community led by our Migrant Outreach Worker
· Roma Hate Crime awareness workshop for community led by a Roma practitioner
· The Launch of Long Spoon Forum (monthly migrant forum discussing community tensions) led by York Ukrainian Society
· Cultural Identity and Integration Workshop led by Our City Hub
· International Home Cooked Food
· International Live Music
· Information stall regarding hate crime characteristics
· Activities for children and young people
Contact Bianca Vartic: Bianca.vartic@york.gov.uk
What Can You and Your Organisation Do?
- Post Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022 content on your social media accounts (Twitter and Facebook), for each Board and Partnership (see resources below for content)
- Follow the Boards and Partnerships on Twitter and retweet their social media posts
- North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership: @NYorksCSP
- North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board: @NYSAB1
- North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership: @NYSCP1
- City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership: @YorkSCP
- City of York Safeguarding Adult Board: @CityOfYork
- North Yorkshire Police: @NYorksPolice
- Prevent Partnership Board @NYorksPrevent
- North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service @NorthYorksFire
- City Of York Council: @cityofyork
- Safer York Partnership: @saferyork
- To share Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022 posts on your social media accounts and get messages out across your networks
- Encourage colleagues to share this briefing pack and resources for Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022 and ask them to join you in supporting Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022 campaign.
- Please don’t forget the campaign hashtag in your posts #HelpNotHateNY and supporting hashtag #LetsEndMisogyny
Link to training events:
Useful Videos
Misogyny video resources:
- Enough Campaign – https://enough.campaign.gov.uk/
- https://www.isthisok.org.uk/
- https://that-guy.co.uk/do-you-recognise-yourself-in-our-60-second-film/
- https://www.isthisok.org.uk/
- Refuge launches celebrity video calling for misogyny to be made a hate crime. – Refuge Charity – Domestic Violence Help
- EE takes a stand against sexist hate ahead of women’s Euros – More About Advertising
Hate Crime Videos
Hate Crime Awareness Video (PC Amy Price, Hate Crime Coordinator): Hate crime awareness subtitled – YouTube
(To be used for internal training only not for member so the public)
Active Bystander
All About Respect: Active Bystander or upstander Hate Crime: https://allaboutrespectysj.wordpress.com
Partnership video
Explaining hate crime in North Yorkshire https://youtu.be/3deAVT8_qiE
Further useful links/resources for the campaign:
- https://educateagainsthate.com/blog/posts/hate-crime-awareness-week/
- https://www.supportingvictims.org/
- https://nationalhcaw.uk/
- https://hatecrime.campaign.gov.uk/https://www.report-it.org.uk/learning_disability_and_autism
- https://www.report-it.org.uk/files/hate-crime-what-it-is-and-how-to-support-victims-and-witnesses-2016-easy-read_1.pdf
- https://www.report-it.org.uk/files/hate-crime-what-it-is-and-what-to-do-about-it-2016-easy-read.pdf
- https://nypartnerships.org.uk/hatecrime
- https://www.york.gov.uk/HateCrime
- ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation
NYCC School Guidance for ‘managing prejudice based incidents and hate crime’ https://cyps.northyorks.gov.uk/equalities-and-diversity
Overarching Tweet
#HateCrimeAwarenessWeek Partners across York and North Yorkshire are working together to tackle Hate Crime with a focus on misogyny. Visit Hate Crime Awareness Week 10th-14th October 2022 | North Yorkshire Partnerships (nypartnerships.org.uk)#HelpNotHateNY#LetsEndMisogyny
Hate Crime Word Cloud

Email banner to use
If you would like to use this throughout the week as part of your email signature:

Additional resources to support the week
Combined tweets to use across your social media platforms: https://safeguardingadults.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Combined-tweets-for-resource-pack.docx